stand safe and healthy


ergonomic workstation mat, flooring for wet and dry areas


Mats for assembly lines, workbenches and machines, sorting plants and packaging lines, sales counters, cashier's counters, agencies, etc.

  • Extremely flexible
  • Enormously abraison-resistant mats with bubble surface
  • Slip-proof due to wavy line structure on bottom
  • Effective massage of legs, stimulation of blood circulation
  • FLEX is developed for robust exposure, also for multiple shift work

FLEX     KOMO FLEX bottom, surface view    FLEX cross section

 insulating   suited for wetness   anti fatigue   slip proof / only FLEX A ESD areas / only FLEX AF ESD areas fire retardant

KOMO - Made in Germany     igr ergonomisches produkt

Technical specifications:

Material Polyurethane, highly flexible with thick high-density outer skin
Surface bubbles
Bottom groove profile
Features skid-resistant R10, slip-proof, foot-massaging, insulate against coldness, hydrolysis resistant, supporting blood circulation, shock-absorbing, CFC and H-CFC free, conditionally acid- and oil resistant, mostly chemical-, base- and leach resistant
Colour anthracite
Dimensions ca. 60 x 90 cm plus 2 cm of bevelled edge each, other dimensions available
Thickness ca. 15 mm
Weight ca. 2.6 kg
Warranty 5 years on material and woekmanship when used correctly, fair wear and tear excluded
Models FLEX a  109 Ω antistatic/low charge
FLEX A  107 Ω ESD, conductive
FLEX AF  107 Ω ESD conductive, fire-retardant B1